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The Real Howie

Kirby holding Howie; Jack wants him placed in the grass now.

Many years ago in a house in Newport, RI lived Kirby and Jack.  The little girl, Kirby, hated bugs but her brother Jack thought they were cool.  One day in the basement Kirby spotted a cricket. She shrieked and ran away but Jack scooped it up and placed it outside. The very next day in the basement Jack saw the cricket again.  “Mom, look, the cricket’s back.  He must really like us. Let’s name him Howie!”  Once again, Jack caught the cricket and released him outside. Bedtime became a nightly ritual of guessing where Howie travelled to each day and who he met along the way.  Kirby and Jack generated stories about Howie and eventually his adventures became the big book about the little bug who explores Newport. Thank you to both of my kids for without you the Howie book would never exist and especially to Jack for loving all creatures great and small...especially Howie!  xo

The Real Howie: About Me
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